Monday, November 11, 2013

Lessons Learned

Trauma, Part 1

I have been thinking a lot lately about my role as a parent.  As you know, I have 3 children - ages 17, 10, and 8.  I had my 17 year old in my early 20's, and made a lot of mistakes.  I always knew deep down inside in those early years, I was selfishly finding my way through parenting.  I didn't really have a good role model for motherhood, and it showed.  And although my daughter has a lot of medical issues, she also has overwhelming mental health issues.  I can't help but think that if I was a better mother in those years, that things would be easier for her.
We moved around a lot - 7 apartments in 3 years, and 2 long term hotel stays.  Her father and I  divorced before she was 2 years old.  I feel that this "trauma" has turned what was already a hereditary predisposition for a mental health diagnosis, into a real life disorder.

Fast forward to my role as mother for my youngest children.  Am I a perfect mother?  No.  But I am older, and understand what it is to be a good mother.  I realize that my job as a parent is to love and nurture them - and to keep them out of the way of the trauma that my oldest experienced. 
I look at my little ones, and see how happy and stable they are.  It breaks my heart to think that there could be a moment, a split second in their life that could change them forever.  I work very hard to keep them in the happy bubble of life that they are currently residing in. 

Trauma, Part 2

Parents worry about keeping their children trauma-free, but what happens when the parent experience the trauma?  Who helps a parent through that split second in their life that changes them forever?  Particularly as parents of children with  special healthcare needs - we work to keep our kids happy and safe, but rarely think about our mental health.  We suffer through the small traumas daily.  Sickness, diagnosis, social exclusion - all challenges that parents persevere through.  It is that big trauma we are not prepared for.

Recently, a friend of mine and her husband lost their 6 year old son.  My heart breaks for the pain and unfathomable feelings they experience every hour of every day.  Each minute brings new pain.  A memory or a  milestone that burns their heart. 

Their son passed on a Monday in September.  For working parents, Mondays are a transition that we complain about - back to work or back to school.  Our Mondays will pale in comparison to theirs - FOREVER.  Every Christmas, Thanksgiving, Birthday, or "happy" occasion is marred by the memory that will never be.  This trauma is hell. 

How do you support parents through this breed of pain?  I think that every person is different.  I am learning from this family, that they want to talk about the boy that brightened each life he touched.  And even though I am on the perimeter of their "village", I look to them for strength and realignment of my priorities.  I learn from their Facebook posts about what it means to be parenting through trauma. Whether they know it or not, they are teaching others how to live life. 

Back to my original question - who supports a parent through trauma?  The answer is anyone and everyone who has a heart.  A friend that can make you smile or laugh for 5 minutes.  Your husband, your wife.  A brother or sister.  Your faith.  A stranger.  YOU. 

As I am writing this blog, "Fix It" by Coldplay came on my Pandora music station.  The lyrics match this entry perfectly:

"Fix You"
When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Jessica and 5th Grade

It has been a while since I have blogged!  I have been extremely busy with work, a fantastic Fellowship opportunity, and of course - my family.

Jessica is in 5th grade.  Jessica is in 5th grade - I have to type it twice because I can hardly believe it.  She has grown and matured so much in the past 2 years.  If you had told me in 3rd grade that she would be where she is today academically and socially, I would have thought you were crazy!  In fact, she has made so much progress academically that IEP goals written in April had to be rewritten in September because she achieved most of them!

For me, the last 2 years have been learning about the environment Jessica learns best in.  Although she needs the safety of a substantially separate classroom, she also thrives during the times she is in the typical 5th grade classroom.  Her aide and special education teacher have done an extraordinary job of finding this balance for Jessica, while giving her the opportunity to be a "regular" kid.  We are blessed to have a team that truly cares for Jessica, and wants the best for her.

Jessica has also really broadened her opportunity for social interactions.  She attends a social skills group once a week, as well as going to our local Youth Center on Saturdays to "hang out".  She has also expressed an interest in joining the Booster Club wrestling team.  Yes, I said wrestling.  We were driving away from school one afternoon, and she saw a sign for wrestling sign ups.  Out of the blue, she told me she wanted to wrestle.  She told me she wanted to do it because "I am strong, and it will be fun!".  SERIOUSLY??  I have been trying to get her involved in sports since she was 4 years old, but have never been successful in my endeavors.  It goes back to what I wrote in the spring - if you are upset because your ASD child is not involved in community activities - don't be.  Once you/they are able to identify preferred activities, it is smooth sailing (well as smooth as having a child with an ASD diagnosis is!).  Autism is all about preferred activities!

                        Jessica after getting the much anticipated Pokémon X & Y DS game!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Break from the Norm

This blog is all about my daughter Jessica, but today I wanted to post about my oldest daughter Amanda.  Enjoy!

Poster Child

For the past decade I have been under the impression that there is such thing as a “perfect” special needs child. You know that perfectly cute, exceedingly happy child that lights up the room when they enter – the “poster child” for their disability? My child most certainly is NOT that child.

Over the years I would meet the parents of these poster children and I would be flooded with emotion – jealousy, sadness and mostly embarrassment. My embarrassment surrounding my imperfectly disabled child stayed with me for a while. I was uncomfortable when others met her; unsure what would come out of her mouth. I was ashamed to bring her to the neurosurgeon, knowing that she would draw on the little models of brains and be disrespectful of him. I felt like I was less of a mother because my child  would never be asked to have her picture plastered on a Children’s Hospital elevator. My daughter was NOT that child.

As if dealing with an imperfectly imperfect child with a whole host of medical issues (hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, vision issues, seizures, etc.) wasn’t enough my daughter also suffers from mental illness.  For those of you who have not experienced mental illness, it is not pretty.  It is unpredictable, hard to manage, and sometimes ugly.  It can make others not want to be around your child.  It can elicit rude remarks from strangers and family members alike.  Mental illness is not fun. I have worked very hard in my community and my career to rid people of the stigma that surrounds mental illness.  I talk about my daughter’s mental illness freely, in hopes that it will allow other parents feel less burdened by their children’s mental illness.  Even with all this openness, my daughters imperfect imperfectness bothered me.

Recently, I had a revelation: my daughter’s imperfections are what make her who she is, and I’m okay with that. I am okay with my daughter not being the poster child for Hydrocephalus or Depression.  I am okay that doctors don’t immediately think of her when they want to speak about a case.  I am even okay that occasionally other special needs parents feel bad for me because not only does my kid have medical issues – she is also depressed, and moody, and anxious!.

Although life can sometimes be extremely difficult, I don’t feel bad for myself.   I am content that my child is different - even in the world of special needs.  I am resilient. She is resilient. I don’t need a poster child.  I am content with my child being who she is.

It is difficult for parents of special needs children to live in a world where their children are constantly compared to typical children.  Why do we have to make ourselves feel even worse by comparing our child to other special needs children?  The answer is easy, we don’t.  Love your children for who they are. Relish the differences they have to the typical and special needs world alike. Is this easy? Heck no! Do the best you can, because seriously – do you need one more thing to worry about?  I know I don’t!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Jessica and the Boston Marathon

This past Monday was a day of firsts for many people in Massachusetts.  My family and I attended our first Boston Marathon.  My close friend Christina was running her first Boston Marathon, and she was running on the Children's Hospital team.  Jessica's sister Amanda has a lot of medical issues, so Christina graciously asked if she could run for Amanda.  It was the first time in my life that a friend had ever done something so touching and inspiring for my family.  Running 26.2 miles is HUGE.  And to run for my child?  Christina is the best in my book.

The other "first" that occured that day was not inspiring as the ones I listed above.  As I am sure you all know, Boston had it's first ever terror attack (at least in my lifetime) on Monday.  Bad things happen all the time, but they never happen to us.  The bad things happen to other people, in other cities.

Not this time.

We were cheering for Christina along the 13th mile of the race in a Children's Hospital cheering section.  It was a beautiful spring day.  The kids were playing on the grass outside of a lovely church, and I was lounging in my chair by the street getting ready to witness something I had never seen before.  I thought to myself that this was one of the best days I have had with my family in a long time. 

As the runners started to come by, I was feeling a sense of pride and excitement that I had never experienced before.  Each time a Children's Hospital runner came by in their orange and blue checked singlets, we would scream loudly and bang our cowbells (yes, cowbells).  It was hard not to feel  emotion when a runner came by and their family would hug them and share how proud they were of them.  Those men and women were running for children.  Sick children.  They were running 26.2 miles - putting their bodies through something I could never imagine.  Indredible.

Our original plan was to see Christina pass, and then drive to Boston and see her cross the finish line.  By the time she ended up passing us, we had been in Wellesley for about 3 1/2 hours.  Jessica was getting fidgety, and on the verge of a meltdown.  Amanda was feeling anxious because of the crowd, and Jack was just plain tired.  We decided that we would leave for home, and not go to the finish line.

Once home, we unpacked the car and I took Jack & Jessica over to Christina's to decorate her yard.  We wanted to let her know how proud we were of her.  How thankful we were for her friendship.  We wanted everyone who drove by her house to know that she had done a good thing. 

On the from Christina's to my house, I received a text message from her running partner who was out of state on vacation.  He asked what was going on, because he was getting alerts on his cell phone that there was an explosion at the Marathon.  I immediately turned on the radio, and knew there was something really wrong when a music station was streaming news from a talk radio station.  I listened for about 2 minutes, but once I got the gist of it I turned it off because Jack and Jessica were still in the car.  They didn't need to hear something potentially horrific about an event they just attended.

I was praying the whole way home that it was just an electrical fire or something less provocative.  Once I got home and saw the news footage, I immediately knew it was not an electrical fire.  The sidewalks were red.  Today's colors were blue and yellow.  Not red.

There were a few hours of frantic texting and calling trying to figure out where Christina and her family were.  I have never been through anything like this in my life - and I experienced it 3rd or 4th hand.  I can only imagine how Christina was feeling.  She is such an upbeat, kind, and inspirational person - I didn't want these events to change her. 

Luckily Christina and her family were safe.  You can read her story here.

I have been truly inspired by so many things that happened this week.  The heroism - the raw humanity of people in pain helping other people.  I used to complain a lot about stupid, petty things.  Not anymore. 

It is the little things that happen in your day that change your destiny.  Don't get mad at the next meltdown.  If you need to slow down for a friend, at the risk of not doing your best - do it.  It could just change your life.

And, by the way - I hope you all have a Christina in your life.  Mine is pretty freaking awesome.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Jessica and her 10th Birthday

Jessica is 10 years old today.  I have a myriad of emotions over this, so I am going to give you fare warning - I have no idea where this blog post will end up.

Jessica's birth story was not the norm.  She was born at 34 weeks, and I felt AWFUL durning the whole pregnancy.  I was a high risk pregnancy because I had Amanda (Jessica's older sister) at 33 weeks with an emergency c-section and also developed preeclampsia pretty bad around 33 weeks.  We also detected along the way that Jessica had a 2 vessel cord.  From my understanding (at the time), a 2 vessel cord wasn't anything to get overly worried about.  Mommy & baby would be monitored frequently with more intense ultrasounds.  Looking back, I am pretty sure I was in denial about something actually being wrong with Jessica, because I already had a special needs child.  I certainly was not going to have another one, right??

Like I said, my pregnancy was horrible.  The only saving grace was that for some miraculous reason, my best friend and co-worker got pregnant at the very same time.  We even had the same due date; May 15th.  If you are reading this today, then you are figuring out that Jessica never made it to the due date! 

The other tidbit of information is that my husband and I were not married when I was pregnant.  We had been dating for almost a year, so Jessica was quite a surprise.  It sent us into a tailspin trying to figure out what our relationship really was, and where it was going.  My husband was really good with Amanda, so I knew that he would make a good Dad.  I wasn't really worried about that.  The thing with my husband is he just doesn't make decisions.  He would avoid everything if he could.  After months of conversation, we decided to get married after Jessica was born.  We had a quick little ceremony at the local Justice of the Peace.  We had 2 witnesses, Amanda and Jessica.  Needless to say, I am the awful woman that stole their son and his wedding experience from his family.  But we can save in law relationships for another day!

As I am writing this, I realize I am getting off track.  But it is getting me to remember little things that were happening in 2002/2003.  I remember getting a call from an old fiancee, who was calling to apologize at how he had treated me in the past.  It was a very nice call because I still thought about him a lot (and occasionally still do).  We both checked in with each other, and for some reason I felt really proud to tell him I was pregnant.  I wanted him to know that as much as he had hurt me, that I was able to move on and be happy.  If I am remembering correctly, he was broken up with his girlfriend at the time of the call - but I can't speak to what his true motives were making that call.

Ok, enough with the talking about old flames!  This is Jessica's 10th birthday!!

Jessica was born at 34 1/2 weeks, and weighed in at 3lbs 14oz.  The doctors immediately did ultrasounds on her kidneys to determine if there were any residual effects from the 2 vessel cord.  I was so relieved to find out that she was fine!  She remained in the NICU for a little under 2 weeks, and then we were allowed to bring her home.  I remember being happy and nervous at the same time.

Those first few months seemed really easy.  Jessica was a good baby.  She loved the swing, and was really happy.  We ended up moving to the home we live in now, and as she got older I started to notice that she was missing some milestones.  We had Early Intervention in when she was 6 weeks old, so we at least had a team around us to get her to where she needed to be.  When she was around 2 years old I started to have suspicions that Jessica had autism.  She wouldn't sleep.  She would never ask me for something to eat and drink.  If she wanted juice, she would go to the fridge and get the juice and bring it to me.  She was very independent in ways that she shouldn't have been.  She even had the classic honeymoon period where her speech was really emerging, but then it sadly went away.

As I look at Jessica over the past 10 years, I have to say that the age she is right now is my favorite (minus the puberty).  She tells silly jokes, is a talented artist, is starting to understand feelings and how to express them.  We have found out that she is a really good speller.  She still loves her stuffed animals, but has moved on to the awesomeness that is Pokemon.  I have never met a girl like Jessica.  A girl that shines so bright, but can also be so isolated.  I wouldn't trade her for anyone or anything.  I love her, and absolutely cannot believe that the little preemie has turned into my grown up, decade old Jessica.

Happy Birthday Jessica!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Jessica UPATE: Panera response

I wanted to give an update on our recent outing to Panera.  A friend of mine urged me to send some feedback to their customer service.  I wasn't going to, but I was kind of curious as to what their response would be.

I sent them an email detailing our experience, and this is the email I got back:

Dear Darcy,

Thank you for taking the time to write such a thoughtful letter to us regarding your experience at our cafe in North Andover, MA. We appreciate your feedback.
At Panera Bread we take great pride in conforming to all
the standards set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA). Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about our cafe
being busy. I am sorry to hear it was overwhelming for Jessica but
it sounds as though she handled herself beautifully! I wish that we could
make our cafe a perfect experience for all of our guests but unfortunately, that
simply is not realistic. Thanks again for contacting us and we hope to see
you at Panera Bread again soon.

Evelyn Margot
Customer Service Representative
Panera Bread / PR Restaurants LLC
I really can't find fault in this response.  Do I think they are going to create a sensory corner for kids like Jessica?  No.  Do I think they are following all ADA specifications?  Maybe.  I think that their floor plan is set up for when there are a certain amount of customers in the cafe, but does not really have extra room for when the place is super busy.  Could they monitor their capacity better?  Sure.  Is it worth the fight?  I don't know. 
Evelyn certainly replied in an appropriate way, although there is a hint of sarcasm to her note.   "Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about our cafe
being busy"
Really, Evelyn?  You think?  I am sure there is a maximum capacity to your store, and I am pretty sure it was exceeded that afternoon.  I picture Evelyn and her co-workers laughing at my email because I am some crazy lady that is asking that Panera not be busy. 
I am not trying to be confrontational, but it bums me out that Panera is added to the long list of places that I can't take Jessica to.  Panera is not worth an anxiety attack or a meltdown.  A place that she used to be happy to visit is on the no fly list.  I really don't want special treatment for Jessica.  I just want her to have access to the places that every other kid has.
What do you think??

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Autism Awareness Month

I wrote this blog entry on World Autism Day in 2012. 

Jessica and World Autism Awareness Day 2012

A letter to my daughter Jessica, on World Autism Day:
Dear Jessica,

When you were born, I was most excited about your blue eyes. Your father and I both have brown eyes, and everyone told me the color would fade from the sparkly blue to a darker brown. I knew better. I sensed that you would have blue eyes. Having blue eyes meant an awful lot to me back then. Maybe I thought children with blue eyes were treated better, or that because of your eye color things would come easier to you. Whatever ridiculous notion I had about your blueberry eyes, was just that; ridiculous.

Autism strikes no matter what color your eyes are.

Jessica, you have autism. I don’t think I have ever spoken that sentence to you. As a mother, it is hard to speak about labels and disabilities to your child. But know this, you may have autism but autism certainly does not have you. It just makes some things harder for you. Playing with friends, or going to school is hard for you because of autism. Loud noises and transitions are hard for you because of your autism. But autism has also given you so many wonderful traits. You are a talented artist. You would draw all day, every day if you could. You know more about cats than I could ever hope to learn. Because of you, I know that the Turkish Van is a cat that likes to swim. That is one cool thing to know! Thank you for that tidbit. Autism gives you that enormous and creative imagination. You are the most imaginative person I know. You have introduced us to your gang of imaginary cats, headed by Anga. Anga is pretty awesome. She used to work at Subway, and she is British? How cool is that??

This might sound a little odd, but I would like to thank autism for giving me such a wonderful daughter. I couldn’t imagine you any other way. You are a blessing to every life you touch.
Thanks autism, for my blueberry-eyed, creative, magical, loving, and silly Jessica. If you didn’t give me the beautiful parts of Jessica, I would never be able to laugh through the hard days.


Monday, March 25, 2013

Jessica and Panera

I decided that I wanted to spend a little one on one time with Jessica this past weekend.  When she got home from school on Friday, I told her we were going to have some "Mama - Jessica time", but that she needed to pick where she wanted to go.  It took her all weekend to decide.  I asked her quite a few times, and she really had a hard time coming up with a location.  I really wanted her to tell me where she wanted to go because it was a round about way of getting her to express some emotion. 

Finally on Sunday I started to give her examples of places we have been to in the past that she had enjoyed.  Jessica decided that she wanted to have lunch at Panera with me.

We got there around 1:30, and the place was PACKED.  We could barely get in the door.  Before ordering we tried to find a seat, knowing that walking around with a full tray of food would make it more difficult to maneuver through the bustling restaurant.

Finally locating a table, we put our coats on the chairs to save it.  When we came back  I could tell that Jessica seemed a little rattled.  I looked around and realized that this was an incredibly hard place for a person with sensory issues to be in .  Not only was it was loud, but people were crammed in everywhere.  Every time someone walked by our table they knocked something off.  It was THAT crowded.

At that point I started to realize that not only was it a sensory nightmare, but anyone who had any kind of physical disability would not be able to navigate through the restaurant.  People were squished into booths, chairs jutted out into already small aisles, and patrons were wandering around carrying hot trays of food.  A person with a disability would have to try and find a table at the front of the space to have any hope of being able to enjoy themselves.  God help them if they had to go to the bathroom, because that was at the back of the place.

I asked Jessica if it was hard to be at Panera when it was this loud and crowded.  She answered right away stating, "Yes, it makes me anxious."  You could have knocked me over with a feather!  Jessica never answers questions about feelings on the first try.  I then asked her what we could do to make her feel less anxious.  I, of course was thinking that she would ask to leave, but instead she mumbled, "eat my soup."  So Jessica ate her soup, drank her Sierra Mist and we got out of there as soon as we could. 

It still resonates with me that a company known for socially thoughtful practices doesn't take a look at their spaces and factor in people with physical disabilities.  I will concede that they have a sign at the front registers with the handicap symbol that allows people with disabilities to order at an easier access point.  What happens after ordering their food?  What if there are no spaces available up front?  Having a tray full of food and nowhere to eat it is not fun.  Just sayin'. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Jessica and political signs

Jessica loves reading political signs.  I have never tested her, but I am pretty sure she could name all the candidates that ran for office last November.

I have used this love of political signs to my advantage.  We read the signs together while driving, and for some reason saying the names of the candidates opens Jessica up to having a two way conversation.  It is a total bonus when the person running for office has a funny name, because Jess gets very giggly.  I don't know what it is about the signs, but I'll take a reciprocating conversation any way I can get it!

We have a special election coming up this month in my town for School Committee.  For the past few weeks Jessica has been reading the signs for one of the candidates,  Zora Warren.  For some reason she likes saying her name.  I suspect it is because one of her favorite Pokemon is named Zoura. 

This morning, we went down to Main Street and held signs for Zora.  I introduced Jessica to Zora, and Zora shook her hand.  The reaction from Jess was classic.  She acted like she was meeting a movie star!  It was obviously exciting for Jessica to meet an actual person that belonged to a political sign.  I think I might have to get her out there holding signs again next week!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Jessica and shirts.

Jessica wore a shirt today! (and it didn't even have a cat on in). 

In most households this is probably a normal occurence, but in ours it was quite exciting. 
When I told Jessica she could wear a shirt, she blurted out loudly, "YAY!  Yahooo!  A shirt!!"

Who would have thought that an item of clothing would have elicited such excitement?

I can't remember if I have ever explained how difficult it is for Jessica to transition season to season in appropriate clothing.  She will often still be sporting a hat and gloves in May, or try to get away with a tank top in November.   This is a fight that I wage every year, as do a lot of parents with kids on the spectrum.

 At the beginning of the year I bought her all new cat shirts - because we all know Jessica will only wear shirts with cats on them.  We probably have 25 cat shirts. Where does one buy cat shirts?  Old Navy of course.  Thank God for Old Navy. 

So I bought all of these shirts, and Jessica started to grow out of them as her body changed (puberty is awesome).  She would be wearing these tight cat shirts and leggings (because we all know zippers and buttons are banned).  It was not a pretty sight.  Then one day I took her to Sears and we bought 5 Lands End dresses to go over the leggings.  She tried them on, and picked out the ones she wanted.  Slowly but surely, we got rid of the cat shirts. 

The dresses were beautiful on her, and once she started to wear her fake Uggs with them she looked even better.  Her teachers complimented her, and told me how great she looked.  It was a miracle.  I got her out of the cat shirts.

Now, don't get me wrong - the dresses have not been a breeze to transition into.  When Jess is having a particularly rough morning she will scream, "I hate dresses!  I want to wear shirts!"  This happens at least 3-4 times a week, and can strike when you least expect it.  Last week I picked her up from school and she read me the riot act about her dresses. 

                                         Jessica in her purple snowflake dress with Anga

Fast forward to this morning.  Everyone at school was going to be wearing green for St. Patrick's Day.  Jessica does not have a green dress, so I was a little worried about what I would do.  Then I remembered that back at the beginning of the school year (pre-dresses) her teacher and I came up with the idea that I would buy her some big generic t-shirts from the craft store and she would have her wear them for a short time everyday.  The goal was to get her out of the cat shirts and into a shirt that fit appropriately.  I remembered that one of those t-shirts was green - SCORE!

I woke Jessica up today, and told her she could wear the green shirt and not her dress today.  Like I said earlier - her reaction was priceless.  Who would have known that a $2 green t-shirt could have made someone so happy?  Not me.  But then nothing Jessica does is expected.  The kid keeps me guessing everyday.  Gotta love her!
Jessica in her green shirt with her brother Jack

Monday, March 11, 2013

Jessica and her weekend

This past weekend was one of those special weekends in the world of Autism that you just want to bottle.  One of those weekends when your child is open to anything you suggest.  Get a haircut?  Sure!  Take a shower?  Why not?!  Take a ride in the car with no agenda?  Well of course!

Jessica was happy, and willing to accept whatever the weekend had to offer.  She ate meals with the family, and actually ate the same thing we were eating.  She took an unscheduled shower on Sunday, which normally would have thrown her off. Jessica was the first one with her shoes and jacket on as we were going out the door.  It was truly a thing of beauty.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if every day was that easy?  Here's hoping that your family gets the same kind of magic mine did.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Jessica and my new found path

Over the past few years I have become increasing involved in the special needs community in Massachusetts. I have done a lot of volunteering in my town, and have recently moved on to more of a state level participation. I have found that this leap has been extremely rewarding.

  One of the highlights of the special needs community in Mass is the Federation for Children with Special Needs Visions of Community Conference. It is held every March in Boston. It is a wonderful event where parents and professionals come together and talk about every subject you can think of pertaining to our awesome kids. Mental health, insurance, bullying, technology - you name it, there is a workshop for it. It really is a community day. You can turn to the person to your right and meet another parent who "gets it". Or turn to your left and have an incredible networking opportunity.

This is my 4th year attending the conference, and my first time actually making it through the whole day. I attended all 3 workshops I signed up for. The conference runs from 8:15am-5pm, so this is an accomplishment.

On my drive home I was thinking about why this year was different for me. I came to the conclusion that I am truly ready to open myself up to everything this path has led me to. I am ready to take the next step. I am not just a bystander anymore. I am a changer. An informer. A trailblazer. All thanks to my beautiful daughter Jessica. Thank you my love. You rock.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Jessica Updates

I have been a bad Mommy-Blogger, blah blah blah. Thank goodness we got that out of the way! So many new things have happened since the last time I took a spin in the old blogosphere. Jessica is in a fabulous PDD classroom at school, and I couldn't ask for a better placement. She is in 4th grade this year, and recently tested in "superior" in spelling. I won't tell you the rest of her scores, because I have cried enough today! I will take the small victories. Puberty has hit Jessica, and it isn't pretty. I will spare you the details, but a girl that talks to her stuffed animal while manuevering feminine hygiene products just seem right to me. Although we were very prepared because of this product. Jessica has also branched out in the animal world, and has a new found love of wolves and foxes. Again, she knows more about these animals than I could ever hope to know. I love how she is able to delve into a subject and truly live it. As much as she knew about cats, she knows more about wolves and foxes. We are very lucky to have a Wolf sanctuary in our area called Wolf Hollow. We went there this fall, and she loved it. If you are local to Massachusetts, I highly recommend it. Jessica asks me all the time when we are going back. Jessica continues her love of drawing. I am hoping to be able to get a few away from her and scan on this blog. She is quite talented. She is actually going to take an Intro to Anime class at our local art center The biggest news is that I started a Twitter account for Jessica. Every quote comes from Jessica. It is quite comical. Please follow her: @JessicatWolvino I think that is it for now. I am making a March resolution to blog more, so come back for new Jessica scoop. Mom